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I have started this newsletter because we still get organisational change wrong. We can also improve on people management, getting projects done on time and creating a motivating work environment.

I have worked in change management for over 20 years in transformation programmes across industries and countries. My interest is the people's experience in these transformations, I am a change manager by trade and a behavioural scientist by learning. And I like challenging the status quo. I encourage executives to prioritise strategy fit, clarity of purpose, benefit realisation and impact assessment above a new system. This is the only way companies can deliver transformations realising the hoped-for benefits, within budget and on time.

This is my second newsletter, I was writing ChangeAI only to realise that it was constraining my thinking. I am interested in change and people, the impact of GenAI is considerable on organisations and people, at the same time there is so much more we need to get right. Overlaying GenAI on top of a broken company won’t fix it.

I write weekly, either in long-form, shorter articles, comments on useful insights from other writers or use cases. The subscription is free.

I have chosen Substack because I want a dialogue, so share your comments and questions.

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A weekly newsletter to make sense of change, in and out of organisations. Because life is complicated and the line between work and play is blurred. Subscribe for insights on strategy, people, technology and how to make sense of complexity.


Behavioural scientist and change manager by trade. Working with business leaders to help them optimise organisational change, putting purpose before technology.